All-in-one grow bag: instructions for use
- Wash you hands thoroughly.
- Disinfect the hands or wear some latex gloves if you can.
- Use the included wipes to clean your tools – including the syringe for liquid culture.
- Use sprayable isopropyl alcohol (preferably 70% ABV) to spray down the grow bag and wipe it off after 2 minutes.
- Wear a face mask if you can and don’t forget to cover up when you sneeze!
Second, make sure the bag is intact:
- The top is sealed.
- The white filter on top is not damaged or obstructed.
If something doesn’t look right, make sure to contact us for an exchange or refund!
Third, it’s time to get to it!
STAGE 1: inject the liquid culture
Grab a clean syringe with liquid culture and inject it through the port on the bottom part of the grow bag. Once you’re done, secure the injection port with any type of clean sticky tape.
STAGE 2: colonize
Place the bag where the sunlight can’t reach it. Then, wait 1-3 weeks for the mushroom to colonize the mixture.
How can you tell?
Once around 30% of the mixture has a white substance (mycelium) on it, mix the contents of the bag to speed up the rest of the colonization process, wait for the remaining mixture to become fully colonized, and move to the next stage.
STAGE 3: grow
Once the whole mixture is covered in mycelium, it’s time to open up the bag.
Cut off the entire top part or make a decent hole on the side of the bag to let enough air in and let the mushrooms grow. Throughout the growth period, let some fresh air into the bag at least 3-4 times a day and maintain an optimal temperature of around 22-25°C. You can also expose the mushrooms to some light – just not direct sunlight. And if you’re growing the mushrooms under a UV light, limit the light to 10-12 hours a day.
STAGE 4: harvest
Once stages 1-3 are complete, the mushrooms should pop out nicely.
Just don’t get too excited yet – always keep an eye on the bag. The perfect time to harvest mushrooms is once the white film under the cap breaks.
Try not to harvest your batch too early or too late.
You can repeat the cycle 3-4 times before the mushrooms will stop growing. Just make sure to spray the sides of the bag with clean water after each yield. Do it multiple times a day to keep the substrate humid enough for the mushrooms to grow.
A new batch should start popping out in just 7-10 days.